RECEADIT (The Research Center for Analytic Diagnosis and Imaging Trends)
RECEADIT’s main objective is to provide research and focused medical training aimed at assisting in the fulfillment of the overall mission of MEDITECH-GROUP which is to serve humanity. RECEADIT itself is a non-profit, non-governmental, apolitical organization, approved by the state of North Carolina, with a Tax Exempt ID of 1065947 and the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with a Tax Exempt ID of 26-3424529. RECEADIT’s main mission is the same as that of MEDITECH-GROUP: To serve humanity. Its humanitarian efforts are directed primarily toward:
1) Research for community health.
2) Focused medical training.
However, in order to raise necessary funds to support its activities, its efforts have also expanded into information technology, Eco-tourism and transportation.
In order to strengthen RECEADIT’s research-driven medical practice, we forged an important partnership with the Phytobiotechnology Research Foundation (PRF), operated by Dr. Kenneth A. Yongabi in 2007. Dr. Kenneth A. Yongabi, the chief medical officer at RECEADIT, is a researcher and physician with a strong naturopathic approach to medical practice, extensive research experience, a member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and a board certified member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association.
1) RECEADIT Clinic, the Center for Medical Analysis, Diagnostic Imaging and Trends (CEMADIT): The Center for Medical Analysis, Diagnostic Imaging & Treatment (CEMADIT). It is the Clinic that provides medical services to our community members and the main site for hands-on, practical, clinical internships for the students of our School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS);
2) School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS): The School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS), opened in 2011. SHBCS has the following Departments/Programs: 1) Laboratory Technician Program; 2) Nursing and Midwifery Program; 3) Pharmacy Program; 4) Radiology/Ultrasound (Medical Imaging) Program; and 5) Computer Science Program. The school started with a total of twenty-eight (28) students. The total student enrollment for 2012-2013 academic year is eighty-six (86) students. The first batch of twelve (12) students will graduate on December 20, 2012, with nursing certificates. We are very excited about this number of graduates and we hope they will certainly assist in making our Community Health Care Unit more successful.
Associated with the School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS) is the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Intensive Evening Classes, designed for students who are truly dear to our hearts, those whose parents have struggled very hard and sponsored them through primary school and certainly can no longer afford to sponsor them through five years of secondary school. For these students, primary school and the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) will be the end of their education. To these students and their parents, we say together, with determination, hard work and faith, we shall find a way. For these students, we evaluate their academic abilities very carefully, we provide a serious, disciplined academic environment, and then we organize GCE Intensive Evening Classes. These classes are organized based on very specifically identified subjects. The main goal is for each of these students to be prepared academically to write the GCE Ordinary Level within two years and obtain a minimum of five (5) GCE Ordinary Level subjects, which will then provide them with the necessary qualifications to write national examinations set by the Government. To the parents and sponsors of these students, we say this goal will be achieved, through our combined determination, hard work, faith, and united efforts.
3) The Boyo Information Technology Center (BITEC): BITEC provides intensive computer training, internet services and document reproduction/copying services.
4) Transportation and Eco-Tourism: Provide eco-tourism opportunities to its volunteers and other tourists and transportation services to patients and rural farmers in the hinterland, which has very bad and difficult roads. This unit has proven to be very helpful for the following two reasons: 1) patients with life-threatening cases are rushed to the health facility within a very short space of time; and 2) rural farmers and their produce are transported to urban markets, where they sell their produce at higher prices and faster, thereby empowering them economically and financially, and consequently, making it possible for them to afford basic health care, improve their nutrition and general health status.
1) Clean Water Project: Within this community access to clean water is a major problem. RECEADIT is working on a clean water project. Fortunately, the clean water for the project comes directly from under the storey building which houses RECEADIT and all its other programs;
2) The Community Health Care Worker Project: This project is very crucial to the fulfillment of RECEADIT’s main mission of serving humanity. It consists of training carefully, identified students selected from very specific rural, difficult-to-reach communities, who have demonstrated a passion and commitment to community health care. These trained community health care workers are then employed to travel to these communities on specified days of the week and to: a) provide general health education; b) follow up on patients who have previously been treated either at the Clinic or by the community health care workers themselves; c) identify new patients who need medical treatment; and d) provide them treatment or get them to the Clinic if their cases are more serious. Some of these trained community health workers actually live in these communities and operate Health Posts set up and funded by RECEADIT;
3) Student Medical Training Fees Assistance Project: This project is designed to provide scholarships each year to students from each of the following minority/rural communities:
a) A female from the Fulani community in Boyo Division;
b) A female or a male from the Enshimbi/Befang community;
c) A female or a male from Akeh community;
d) A female or a male from Mejung community; and
e) A female or male from Ngemsebo community;
f) An orphan who has lost both parents; and
4) Drug/medication Assistance Project: This project is designed to assist clearly, carefully identified patients with needed medication. The needed medication is taken to the patients, usually the elderly in rural, difficult-to-reach communities, by the Community Health Care Workers.