School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS)
Objectives: The School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS) is the most recent addition to RECEADIT. Its main objectives are to train:
- Highly qualified health care personnel in laboratory technology; nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, and radiology/ultrasound or medical imaging; and
- Community Health Care Workers for the RECEADIT’s Community Health Care Worker Project. Based on our experiences with the Community Health Care Component of CEMADIT since 2006, experiences which consist of major challenges presented by the lack of Community Health Workers, we decided to open a medical training school, the School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS) in 2011.
SHBCS has the following Departments/Programs:
1) Laboratory Technician P
2) Nursing and Midwifery
3) Pharmacy
4) Radiology/Ultrasound (Medical Imaging), and
5) Computer Science Programs
The school started with a total of twenty-eight (28) students. The total student enrollment for 2012-2013 academic year is eighty-six (86) students. The first batch of twelve (12) students will graduate on December 20, 2012, with nursing certificates. We are very excited about this number of graduates and we hope they will certainly assist in making our Community Health Care Unit more successful.
GCE Intensive Evening Classes
Associated with the School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS) is the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Intensive Evening Classes, designed for students who are truly dear to our hearts, those whose parents have struggled very hard and sponsored them through primary school and certainly can no longer afford to sponsor them through five years of secondary school. For these students, primary school and the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) will be the end of their education. To these students and their parents, we say together, with determination, hard work and faith, we shall find a way. For these students, we evaluate their academic abilities very carefully, we provide a serious, disciplined academic environment, and then we organize GCE Intensive Evening Classes. These classes are organized based on very specifically identified subjects. The main goal is for each of these students to be prepared academically to write the GCE Ordinary Level within two years and obtain a minimum of five (5) GCE Ordinary Level subjects, which will then provide them with the necessary qualifications to write national examinations set by the Government. To the parents and sponsors of these students, we say this goal will be achieved, through our combined determination, hard work, faith, and united efforts.
Student Services
Library, Document reproduction/copying; Computer and internet services are available to our students. Our Student Canteen also provides food services to our students.